Full range of histopathological examinations

for public and private medical institutions in Vinnytsia

* For other cities and regions, cooperation is possible if there is logistical support from the institution.

Full range of histopathological examinations

for public and private medical facilities


Our laboratory is designed to meet the needs of public and private medical institutions in high-quality and rapid pathomorphological diagnosis of diseases on biopsy and surgical material.

The laboratory performs a full range of histopathological studies , ranging from routine staining of hematoxylin and eosin to immunohistochemical studies, which allow to accurately verify the pathological process, determine the hormone dependence of tumors, predict the course of the disease and prescribe adequate follow-up. therapy.


Qualified medical staff with many years of experience in this field

We work with clinics in the city of Vinnytsia. For other cities and regions we cooperate if there is logistical support from the clinic.

Daily or individual (on call) collection of materials by our courier

Individual payment terms for each institution

Our specialists
Панасюк Володимир Іванович


Бевз Володимир Олегович


Костюков Андрій Олександрович


Хоменко Ігор Ігорович


Свинарчук Лілія Анатоліївна

Старший лаборант з патогістологічних досліджень

Азарова Олена Валеріївна

Лаборант з патогістологічних досліджень

Бондар Анастасія Володимирівна

Медичний реєстратор

Рибаченко Ірина Василівна

Молодша медична сестра

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